The Denver Airport Murals

The murals are fairly shocking. Here we have refugees living in a basement and the Lord of Death, brandishing an AK-47, killing the dove of peace. Gray waves pulse from the figure, the waves pulse outward, killing everybody in its path. The figure wears a gas mask implying the gray waves, the instrument of death in this case, is a biological weapon. Set against the backdrop of a solar flare and horrific destruction, not to mention the extinction of various species including whales and sea turtles, children are in the center sobbing over three open caskets. You’ll notice there is a little girl... in the back right holding a Mayan tablet alluding to Dec. 21, 2012, the end of the world. But the Mayans also predict a ‘rebirth’ which is why some life, such as the penguin and bird, are being preserved. Oh, and let’s not overlook the city being destroyed in the background. All of the children of the world bring in the weapons from their country, handing them to a German boy. The gas mask man from the previ
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