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Evangelia Lachianina, otherwise known as Abyss X, has been brewing up noise-riddled R’n’B jams and skewed club electronics from the Minoan Tropics for some time now... She performed her track, Esoterrorismo II live in a cramped basement in front of the NTS lens - Esoterrorismo II will be on her forthcoming debut LP, Infinite Machine, which is set for release November ’16.
You can listen to her guest show here:
12 months ago 00:12:03 1
Three Korg NTS-1 Tricks (I love and abuse) Demo and Jam (Uncut)
4 years ago 00:10:17 16
Into The ABYSS - Photoshop Speed Art
5 years ago 00:04:51 2
Jam w/ Zen Delay, Korg NTS-1, Abyss, Minitaur, and Empress, Strymon, Meris pedals