Tchaikovsky: 3 Romances - Asmik Grigorian

Asmik Grigorian, soprano, Lukas Geniušas, piano, Vilnius Congress Hall, Vilnius, 14 April 2021. Because of the pandemic, this recital was without audience, except Asmik’s mother, also a famous opera singer, Irena Milkevičiūtė and that day was her birthday. Originally broadcast and in streaming live, by Lietuvos nacionalinis radijas ir televizija, Timeline: 0:00 Tchaikovsky – Not but the Lonely Heart (Net, tol’ko tot, kto znal), Opus 6 no. 6 2:51 Tchaikovsky - Again, as before, Alone (Snova, kak prezhde), Opus 73 no. 6 5:21 Tchaikovsky - Amid the Din of the Ball (Sred’ shumnogo bala), Opus... 38 no. 3
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