ELO “Stranger“ cover tribute 2023 (D.N’Elpin & )
Hi everyone 👋 Today we have another cover of the beautiful song “STRANGER“ by ELO, performed by the most talented masters of sound Dmitriy N’Elpin & Inesa Shaurouskaya.
🔊🎧Listen and watch with pleasure. Regards, . Studio Sound team.
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Или делайте заказ прямо нам на почту, мы обязательно вам ответим:
✅ Dmitriy N’Elpin – arrangement, synthesizers, drums, guitar, vocals, vocals-vocoder, mastering.
✅ Inesa Shaurouskaya – synthesizers, special effects, vocals-vocoder
✅ video editing – Andrey Grozovskiy
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Dmitriy N’Elpin –
Inesa Shaurouskaya –