Eisenhower Addresses Congress (1954)

Unissued / Unused material. Title - ’Congress opens - hears Ike on State of Union’. Washington DC, United States of America (USA). MS Capitol. MS Richard Nixon swearing in Thomas Burke and Robert Upton. CU of the two new Senators. LS Martin calling session to order. LS four new Senators being sworn in. LS Congress applauding newcomers. MS President Dwight Eisenhower on the dais. MS Eisenhower speaking (NATURAL SOUND) “All branches of this Government, and I venture to say both of our great parties, can support the general objective of the recommendations I make today, for that objective is the building of a stronger America. A government can try, as ours tries, to sense the deepest aspirations of the people, and to express them in political actions at home and abroad. So long as action and aspiration humbly and earnestly seek favour in the sight of the Almighty there is no end to America’s forward road, there is no obstacle on it she will not surmount in her march towards a lasting peace in a fr
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