GALAXY - OH FOXY LADY - The Fire Inside Re-Imagined by Mirko Hirsch - SONGS FOR TERESA Orlowski VTO
I took a sample from the original song “THE FIRE INSIDE“ and created a totally different song. So, in a parallel universe, this might be the theme song to FOXY LADY Part 7. “THE FIRE INSIDE“ was a crucial song for my own music and started the passion for the music of VTO.
I’m still looking for people who have contributed to all the great original music for VTO in Thilo Rex’ studio at the Badenstedter Straße in Hannover (and the first studio in Hannover). If you want to share your story, please get in touch with me via @
I am a musician myself and won’t release your name publicly if you don’t want to. I’m already in touch with most of the producers, musicians and singers from the Hannover days but some are still missing and important pieces to complete the whole puzzle - especially what happened to LARRY BONNEVILLE, the singer of the original THE FIRE INSIDE.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Original Version by Thilo & Silke Rex, LM and unknown contributors.
New Lyrics, re-imagining and arrangement by Mirko Hirsch
It feels like yesterday
your picture on the screen
so close but far away
a lady like a queen
you’ve changed our lives
with the passion of your game
the flame survives
and we all still know your name
Oh foxy lady
You’re our flashback fantasy
Oh foxy lady
Always dream of you and me
With every heartbeat
Every move and every touch
You know you’re magic
And we’re missing you so much
Oh yes you are
An angel of the night
So near but far
That fire deep inside
You’ve changed our lives
With the passion of your game
The flame survives
And we all still know your name
Oh foxy lady
You’re our flashback fantasy
Oh foxy lady
Always dream of you and me
With every heartbeat
Every move and every touch
You know you’re magic
And we’re missing you so much
Oh Foxy Lady
Teresa we’re in love
Oh Foxy Lady
And we can’t get enough