When assassins choose to delete you from the game...

Perfect Oneshots, Combos, 200 IQ Tricks, Fast Pentakills and Best Delete Moments in a League of Legends / LoL Assassins Montage đŸ”¶To submit your LOL Play, please visit our website: đŸ”¶We make videos for other games, check them out: WILD RIFT Channel: VALORANT Channel: #LeagueofLegends #LoLMontage #LoLMoments â–ŒPlayers Featured in this League of Legends Montage: qiussy Depressionismus AW AlterEgos niteboi qiussy StoppedTim3 banelinged estrifel nightmare PigsCanDream This_Op_Is_OP NairyHipple joploi Pmmenakedbitcoin Tharbee zac_attack_ M3m3Lord1 GTGVertigo Pegon125 pandasempie dixereckt Yamylol luknol Macgyiver iEslam meowjozzard sionisbroken oruem https:
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