Walker, Texas Ranger | Walker Fights With Quarantine Police | Wild Westerns

After finding the antidote for a deadly plague, Walker is forced to fight his way out of the military police arresting him. Season 5 Episode 5, ’Plague’: Walker’s friends at the Cherokee Federal Reservation are put at risk by a corporation that runs an experimental dairy farm and chooses future profits over human safety. Stream Walker, Texas Ranger Now on Peacock: Stream Walker, Texas Ranger for free on a Roku device, the Roku mobile app and : Subscribe to the Wild Westerns Official channel: Chuck Norris (martial arts expert with a black belt) plays lawman Cordell Walker, who sometimes ...bends the law, to the dismay of Fort Worth prosecutor Alex Cahill. #WalkerTexasRanger #ChuckNorris #funny Walker, Texas Ranger | Walker Fights With Quarantine Police | Wild Westerns
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