Nero by Little Tybee

Crowned 1 productions came through for me and gave me the opportunity to be apart of this dude is ranked in like the top 5 int he world for yoyo tricks... Music video for the song “Nero“ by Little Tybee, from their upcoming album, “Humorous To Bees,“ due out in early Fall 2010 Directed by Andrew Kornylak Steadicam : Chris Campbell YoYo Master: Mark Montgomery Talent: Brock Scott, Nirvana Kelly, Elliot Fullerton, Ben Leake, Daniel Scoggins, Katie Aboudou, Kelly Cloninger, Kristin Aschermann, Sharif Hassan, Libby Chapman, Destiney Bleu Lewis, Terrence Green, Allan Skeene, John James, Bboy Red, Stephen Jones, Quincy Lamar
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