OKASION / AB live mix 2012-2014 ОКЕЙЖН / АБ

Andrey Barbashov - - keyboards, key bass live, voice, themes, music and lyrics. Andrey Pancratov - drums. Valery Zhuravlev - drums. Pavel Semiletkov - guitar. Nikolai Kulikov - guitar. Stepan Yourlov - guitar. Tim Dorofeev - guitar. Karmen Moxie - vocal. Max Duryagin -sax. Konstantin Sedovin - flute. Nikolai Kovalev - sound (on some video) Thank You So Much! Спасибо за съёмку с Малины Джаз, к сожалению неизвестны операторы. ~no cover versions and computer playback ever on gigs, only live - own themes, music and lyrics~ I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ()
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