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00:00 - Introductions & Polls
05:16 - Background- setting the scene
09:29 - Benchmark model- Brisbane River
19:16 - Input data- effecting model accuracy
21:55 - Solving fluid flow equations
29:30 - Manning’s n
32:13 - Bend losses
35:22 - Descretisation
40:02 - Importance of testing software- example
44:11 - Recommendations
49:32 - Q&A
1:07:19 - Wrap-up & further training
What factors to consider where there is no calibration data to validate your hydraulic model?
Hear from Bill Syme, Software Business Lead @TUFLOW discuss the numerous factors that influence hydraulic modelling result accuracy, including:
- Input data quality
- Parameter values (e.g. Manning’s n)
- Model schematisation
- Representation of structures
- Suitability of the computational solver
Consideration of the each of these factors is essential to building a
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