USA / AVIATION: Charles Lindbergh Greets Bremen Flyers (1928)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Bremen fliers (Captain Koehl, Baron von Huenefeld and Commandant Fitzmaurice) greeted by Charles Lindbergh. Calvin? Full Description: USA: Charles Lindbergh meets the Bremen flyers on airfield SLATE INFORMATION: Baron von Huenefeld, Major Fitzmaurice and Captain Koehl pay reverent tribute at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Flyers lay wreath on famous tomb SLATE INFORMATION: President Coolidge confers the Distinguished Flying Cross - the first time any Allied nation has decorated a former enemy combatant (Koehl and von Huenefeld served in the German army) Calvin Coolidge decorates Bremen flyers Background: Bremen fliers (Captain Koehl, Baron von Huenefeld and Commandant Fitzmaurice) greeted by Charles Lindbergh. Calvin Coolidge (President) awards medals to flyers. FILM ID: VLVA943P1VX0CN3INFRVU7U89NDAV To license this fil
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