Вуй - Вуй В память Борису Тохтахунову спел.Рома Ронин. Буй - Буй (Wooi-wooi-wooi)
Вуй Вуй Wooi-wooi-wooi В память Борису Тохтахунову поёт,
поэт Российский литератор, лауреат Нижегородской премии “Творческая удача“, артист мюзикла “Дубровский“, Нижегордского камерного муз. театра им. В. Степанова.
In the late evening the stars twinkle,
Moonlit sky, but I’m sad now
And all because only-you are not with me
And-and-I can’t forget the beauty of your eyes
Now I remember how we walked with you
And on a dark, dark night they admired the moon
Suddenly I was alone, you disappeared like smoke
And-and-here is how in delirium I stand and for you I sing
My guitar friend keeps me busy
With her on-life-and-and-and so easy to while away
The strings will fill up, the music will start again
And-and-and it gets easier for me my pain will stop
My friends will help me, I’ll forget you
At least now it doesn’t matter - it’s nothing to me
Nooo, no you can’t wait ,I didn’t love you
And vooot I sing to you without feeling sorry for myself-a-a-a-a
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