The Troop - You’ll Call My Name (Pre The Sweet 1960’s featuring Brian Connolly) (Ultra Rare)

This band definitely includes Brian Connolly, & also predates his first known band “Wainwright’s Gentlemen“. This acetate is an EP and has two tracks per side. All the tracks are credited as being written by “McManus, Eldridge“. Brian Connolly’s original surname was “McManus“. He was fostered, aged 2, by a couple with the surname McManus. He changed his surname to “Connolly“ when he discovered that he was fostered. His birth mother’s surname was Connolly. About 6 years ago we acquired a record collection that included a handful of original 1960’s acetates. We kept the acetates back because there were some very interesting items, & there was a lot of research to be done. We have now decided to sell these acetates. The most interesting acetate is an undocumented early release from the future “The Sweet” lead vocalist Brian Connolly. The band is called “The Troop”. I cannot find any mention of this band on any “Sweet” website. Therefore t
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