I once respected the LGBT community, but I’m now ashamed to be a part of it. Many members are removing themselves from the community due to the overwhelming bigotry, closed-mindedness, and outlandish behavior. Did Gen Z ruin the gay community?
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#pridemonth #lgbtq #gaypride
gay, gay pride, pride parade, bigotry, gen z ruined the gay community, gen z, tiktok, gay tiktok, lgbt, lgbtq, lgbtq tiktok, lesbian, 2023 pride, the problem with the lgbt community, growing up gay, pride month
1 view
9 years ago 00:06:07 72
I’M GAY! :)
9 years ago 00:11:59 1.1K
5 years ago 00:02:15 480
I’m not gay
8 years ago 00:00:06 898
I’m Gay, I’m a Lesbian, I’m Pansexual, I am transgender..