Revenge is a dish best served cold, but what if the animals are warm-blooded and hot-headed? Well, then you get instances where a llama-alpaca hybrid jumps on you and chases you out of the pen! And other times, you get instances where man’s best friends bring its pack and completely destroy your property. Sometimes revenge is well-deserved, especially if it involves trophy hunters who kill lions and invade their space. Other times…it’s just a poor kid getting into a difficult situation.
Here are 12 Animals That Took Revenge On Humans!
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Leopard Takes Matters Into Her Own Paws
It’s no surprise that big cats are ferocious predators. But when they attack out of pure anger, that’s something that shocks everyone. This leopard had started to eat people’s livestock so the local park rangers captured her, and relocated her to another place. However, the leopard refused to get out of her cage. One of the rangers, Alexander Rono, tried poking at her so she would leave…but he didn’t know he had just stepped into his own defeat.
Needless to say, the leopard did not like the gesture. And when she finally did get out, she wanted to attend to some unfinished business. She got out and ran to Alexander’s seat and clawed his face off! The poor man couldn’t close his windows fast enough and had to get 21 stitches to close up his wounds. Alexander said that he learned a very painful lesson he will never forget. Neither will the internet, alexander!
Hangry Sheep Fights Back!
If you tease a hangry person, even they’ll bite you. So a bighorn sheep is no different! The caretaker of this herd decided that he wanted to mess with one of the sheep by making it run for some extra food. But he chose the wrong day! Typically, bighorn sheep are wild animals. And though they’re not usually aggressive to humans, they will attack if you tease them like this!
Thankfully the man had a big plastic bag in his hand as a shield, otherwise, he could’ve been ripped to shreds. At first, it’s just one angry sheep vs the man in the orange. Soon enough, his friends join in and back up their friend. After all, a friend in need’s a friend indeed! Wait till the man scolds the sheep and all of them run away like scaredy cats. Man: 1, angry sheep: 0!
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