Museum of Fraudsters - Museum Replicas Ltd.

Museum of Fraudsters - Museum Replicas Ltd. If you love costume shows, carnivals, pageants or make your own personal videos and need costumes and items from different eras and nations... NEVER, you hear me - NEVER turn to Museum Replicas Limited for help with the accessories or costumes you need! They sell items and goods of mostly disgusting quality, made in Pakistan, India or China. But this is not the main thing, since you can somehow come to terms with quality, infringing on your pride. But they also sell products that do not correspond to the sizes stated on the website! If you want to return an item that you cannot use because it is small or short, you will have to do this at your own expense. If you contact the administration of Museum Replicas Limited with a reasoned request to pay for the return of a product that does not correspond to the stated size, then you will no doubt be lied to, they will try and will not help you in solving this problem! Therefore, I strongly recommend that you avoid the company - Museum Replicas Limited, which has been in the replica sales market for more than thirty years, but has never learned good manners of working with clients and the concept that the Client is ALWAYS right, simply does not exist for them! #MuseumReplicasLtd #MuseumofFraudsters #scammers
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