медитация, частота Земли, тета-волны, Шуман Earth Frequency Schumann Resonance Music hz + 70 hz Theta Waves
Hz Schumann resonance - Powerful Theta Waves - activate pineal gland (third eye chakra) & balance with binaural beats. Healing frequency for grounding, meditation music and relaxation music for yoga, can also be used as sleep music and music for learning.
The Schumann frequency of Hz is the fundamental frequency of the earth, which pulsates in this oscillation pattern. The human being is in resonance to this oscillation field, since our pineal gland (epiphysis), pituitary gland and the hippocampus are at the same frequency.
💚 The Hz also correspond to the transition between the alpha and theta wave range in the brain waves (can be measured using the EEG), a relaxed waking state that is achieved through meditation. This frequency promotes our well-being, increases our intuition and manifestation power. This Hz frequency is made of Binaural Beats.
💚 70 Hz corresponds to the Gamma brainwaves (gamma waves are the fastest and most subtle brain waves. Gamma r
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