Z-Depth in Blender 3d: How to use it to composite 2d elements

Hey everyone! In this video we show how to use a z-depth pass in Blender 3d in order to composite 2d elements within your renders with more control. We also explain what z-depth is and show one example of how it can be used in a mix node. Lots more 3d vfx tutorials are coming soon to our channel! Enjoy and let us know what visual effects you want to learn next on the channel. 2d Element compositing in Blender: Our Blender Add-ons: Ultimate Blender add-on value pack: CityBuilder3D: KHAOS (Ultimate Explosion/Destruction Add-on): Spyderfy: \ Nature/Creature add-on bundle: WeatherFX: Cablecam (Cinematic movement rig): LightArchitect (Film setup previsualization): KHAOS Fire Shader:
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