Low Blow Costs Thompson His Title (1949)

Full title reads: “Low Blow Costs Thompson His Title“. Olympia, London. European Lightweight boxing match Kid Dussart V Billy Thompson. LV Elevated boxing match in progress. Round 1. (1st 7ft for super. title). MV Dussart (from Belgium) and Thompson sparring. They dance around ring exchanging punches. SV Crowd. MV Round 2. Dussart leads with straight left. Thompson counters and they clinch on ropes and break. SV Thompson lands with left. Dussart punches low on the body, They clinch and break. They exchange blows. SV Two boxing fans. SV Thompson falls to canvas. MV Referee counting Thompson. He rises on count of 9. Dussart attacks with left swing and proceeds to dish out punishment to Thompson. SV People in crowd. MV Dussart attacks with lefts and rights to the head. Lands left swing on Thompson’s jaw. Thompson reels back and hits canvas. Referee in and gives count of 9. Thompson rises and Dussart moves in with vicious body and head blows. SV Timekeeper rings bell for last round. SV Dussart a
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