The Forte Forum International Music Competition was held for the first time last year.
The idea of the project is to hold a competition consisting of two rounds: correspondence (qualifying) and full—time (final), without a competitive fee. The absence of a competitive fee is primarily due to the fact that we invite participants from different countries to participate in the competition and understand that payment due to sanctions from many countries is impossible.
This idea was successfully implemented last season: the correspondence tour gathered more than a hundred participants from 14 countries of the world, and the full-time tour was successfully held at the St. Petersburg Music Lyceum. The ten best participants from all nominations reached the final, including musicians from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Lugansk, Yerevan, Chisinau and Pavlovo.
“Culture is designed to serve goodness, beauty, harmony, to reflect sometimes on very complex, contradictory issues and, most importantly, not to destroy, but to create.“
In recent years, there has been a trend towards isolation all over the world. But no matter how much and in whatever country they say that international festivals are not needed, that it is possible to meet and communicate within their own countries, communities - this is not so!
Faith, Hope and Love will save the world. We believe that wisdom will prevail, we hope that music, painting, word will preserve love and beauty.
In the meantime, our project serves primarily to ensure that communication skills, international cultural communication, interchange and cooperation are not lost.
Preparations for the new season, Forte Forum 2023, are now actively underway. We hope that the contest will bring together even more participants from even more countries and from different parts of Russia.
The gap between the two seasons is filled with the active concert activity of the finalists-prize-winners, which became possible through the cooperation of the Forte Forum project with the Petersburg Concert, the Northern Venice Chamber Orchestra, the Union of Concert Figures of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra.
The international jury of the correspondence (qualifying) round of the Forte Forum 2023 season included:
OLGA KOTLYAROVA — Chairman of the jury
Russia, St. Petersburg
Specialty piano, organ, harpsichord
Russia, Moscow
Specialty trombone, euphonium
Spain, Barcelona
Specialty opera singer, stage director.
IRINA ZOLOTAREVA, Russia, Lugansk.
Specialty accordion, conductor of the orchestra of folk instruments.
IGOR ERSAK, Moldova, Chisinau.
Specialty violin, conductor of a symphony orchestra
Specialty piano, opera vocals.
What will be new in the new season, what would you like to focus on?
1) there is a new nomination “composers of the year“. I tell you in detail: Alexander Peskanov (USA), Andrey Klassen (Germany), Natalia Toropova (Russia) are the same composers of the year and the participant who chose this nomination must perform a work by one of these authors. The authors, in turn, choose the best in this category themselves and award prizes. The prize in this nomination will be a collection of the composer whose work will be performed.
2) videos should be sent not by link, but by file to e-mail liliya_shanshina@ together with the application and consent. The start of accepting applications is September 1, 2023. But who has the program ready – I highly recommend recording it now, recordings of spring, summer 2023 will be accepted. You can record both works as a single file, or separately. Please carefully read the video recording requirements in the Contest Regulations!
3) The age of the participant will be determined at the time of the start of applications, September 01, 2023, i.e. at the beginning of the new academic year. If, for example, a participant is 9 years old on a record that was made in the spring, and in September he turned 10 years old – you need to indicate the age of 10 years.
4) The question came – is it possible to perform one piece if it is a large form. Answer: yes, it is possible if this large form is executed in a cycle, that is, if all its parts are executed. Because it is fundamentally important to hear what is the virtuoso side of the performer and what is his ability to perform cantilevered music.
After the acceptance of applications is over, the international jury will determine ten finalists. In the final, their performances will be evaluated regardless of age and nomination, the main criterion will be brightness, individuality and creativity.
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