Dal Av & Jackson Rose - Curse My Name

Out now on all platforms 😈 Dal Av: Mixed and mastered by Scottay Seigel: Vocal scenes shot by Truman Hatfield: SPOTIFY: SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter: @JacksonRose26 Instagram: jacksonrose26 Lyrics: Digested flesh just signed your death sentence Bring out the stone, you got two birds in your grasp This body hosted by your number-one psychopath In my domain, I’ll make sure you all curse my name Keeping this boy alive just adds fuel to my flame Evil festering in these bones Evil festering One down and nineteen to go I just can’t fucking wait to see the look on your maggot-adjacent face Wh...en I show you all what caused your brittle ancestors to fall Go Trapped inside a vessel I deem unworthy to be my body He will be the first of the mortals that I damn to the dirt I always reign supreme Dust off my throne I’ll take this world by any means (Hail Sukuna) You will curse me Bring out the stone, you got two birds in your grasp This body hosted by your number-one psychopath In my domain, I’ll make sure you all curse my name Keeping this boy alive just adds fuel to my flame And don’t you get in my way You sorcerers are just a pain And when I get my way You’ll all know your place You’ll curse my fucking name
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