Origins of Germans & Oghurs [The Kurgan Sumerian link]
Andronovo culture: | “The love between Turks and Germans is so old that it will never break.“ – Bismarck, 1871
It should be pointed out that at that time the Turks were at higher cultural level than the Indo-Europeans and Finno-Ugers, as they ran the productive economy more actively in breeding cattle and farming. Accordingly, the Indo-Europeans and Finno-Ugers borrowed a lot of words of cultural and social meaning from the Turks.
At the beginning of the 2nd mill B.C. the Turkic peoples left their Urheimat in their majority gradually settling apart in the territory from the Carpathians to the Altai.
Meanwhile, about a third of German words are considered to be borrowed from an unknown language (ibid, 99-101).
The large number of settlements which names have the root of turk/ turk (Turkovo, Turka, Turku, Túrkeve, Turkeye, Thürkow, Thurgau, Turgi, Torgau, etc.) speaks of the significance of trade in the economic activity of the ancient Bulgars. There are more than twenty these names in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland. All of them come from Old Bulgar *turku “place of exchange, trade“.
Turkic arpa “barley“, which have exact matches in Greek αλφι and Albanian el’p, was adopted in Germanic as “pea“ (proto-Germ. *arwa - German Erbse).
German suffix -lich corresponds to Turkic -lık (-lik) – -lăk (-lĕk) in Chuvash. The English suffix -ly was arisen from the Chuvash -lă (-lĕ, -llă, – lĕ).
A special connection of German and Chuvash languages has reason in the influence of the Proto-Bulgarish substrate. Türks as Carriers of the Corded Ware Cultures settled a vast expanses of Central and Northern Europe in a short time about five thousand years ago.
Other subjects of exchanging were livestock, dried and salted fish, tools and handicrafts. This is evidenced by existing in the Turkic languages of western areas and in the language of their neighboring people words of different meanings but being united by common value “goods, the subject of the exchange.“ Just this word is tovar and the similar ones meaning “commodity“. It has the form tavar in the Armenian language and means “sheep“, “flock“, the Turkic languages have such words: Kum. tuuar “herd“, Turk. tavar “property“, “cattle“, Balk., Cr. Tat. tu’ar “property“, Chuv. tăvar “salt“, tavăr “to return the debt“, “revenge“, “meet“, “turn out“, etc. Chuvash words are very illustrative.
The Second Chuvash word tavăr phonetically and semantically is a bit further. But in principle at first it could mean “to pay back“, “to offset“ that are semantically close to “price“ which could develop from meaning “goods of exchange“. Many Iranian languages have a word tabar / teber / tevir “an ax“, and Finno- Ugric similar words mean “textile“ (Saam. tavyar, Mari. tuvyr, Hkant. tagar). Obviously, they all have the same origin, as both tools, as well as production has been the subject of trade. Maybe Slav tur “aurochs“, Lat. taurus and Gr. τυροσ, “bull“ could be included here, although competent professionals (Vasmer, Walde and Hofmann, Menges) are silent about such relationships. Finally, this word can be attributed to such Germanic words of unknown origin: Ger. teuer, Dt. duur “expensive“, Eng. dear.
Oghur-Turkic Chuvash pora may be the ultimate source of the Germanic beer-word.
The Sumerian language still keeps the prestigious position of being the first ever written language. In this paper there are some presented linguistic data and examples, suggesting that the Sumerian is not a language isolate, as it is regarded so far, but that it may be classified as an r-Altaic language of the Bolgar branch. A proposed methodology for deducing such an inference is also presented, along with the outcomes of its application in the form of thirty-nine phonological rules.
also read “Türkic Substrate in English“
quote: “The concept touches on the substantial trace of the Türkic–Latin–English correspondences, linguistically corroborating the thesis that the Kurgans’ circum-Mediterranean path via the Pyrenees to the Continental Europe brought about the Beaker Culture, ancestral to the Pra-Celts and Pra-Italics“
Chuvash DNA map:
Bashkir DNA map:
Swedish DNA map:
source: генофонд.рф
The descendants of the Bulgars are three Türkic-speaking nations of the Itil region, namely: the Bashkirs, Tatars and Chuvashes [Hadjilaev H.I., 1989].
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