From the upcoming album “Mortality, vol. II“
Composed by Tapio Ylinen
Arrangement by Mikko Pettinen
Mikko Pettinen - trumpet
Manuel Dunkel - saxophone
Mikael Myrskog - keyboards
Johannes Granroth - guitar
Jori Huhtala - double bass
Mika Kallio - drums
Tapio Ylinen - guitar
Mortality’s legacy persists with the unveiling of “Mortality pt. II,“ their first single from the project’s continuation album.
The Finnish jazz collective Mortality impressed audiences and earned notable acclaim with their 2019 self-titled album. Heavier than words can express, it gracefully carries the emotional burden of composer and producer Tapio Ylinen’s personal tragedy. Skillfully blending contemporary jazz with progressive rock, the album unfolds as a musical journey filled with tenderness and hope.
In 2024, the ensemble makes a comeback with the continuation of ’Mortality: ’“Mortality pt. II“ — both the title of the album and its first single. Having dedicated the past years to crafting a beautiful sequel to the initial release, Tapio Ylinen’s compositions evolve alongside him and mirror his personal journey through life.
Striking a fine balance between pleasure and depth, The album captivates both the heart and the ear. It unfolds with melancholic undertones and bittersweet harmonies, where the emotion swells in every note. This continuation album’s first single maintains the project’s visceral and passionate exploration of the human condition while showcasing its evolution.
Ylinen comments on the project, stating that the single ’Mortality pt. II’ prominently captures the mood and tone of the new album. He describes it as “reflective,“ in contrast to the initial album which centred around his “struggle to come to terms with what happened“ in his life.
“In terms of the subject matter, it’s still something that I have to deal with— The feelings of loss, grief and sorrow— all those feelings. They’re never going to go away. That’s just something I have to live with. But this is a great way to deal with that. The big difference [in Mortality pt. II] is that I wrote consciously for this particular band— Last time it was just me noodling around with different ideas without knowing what the end result would be, but this time I had a clearer vision for the project.”
In ’Mortality volume II’, Tapio Ylinen’s soulful compositions are brought to life by the new lineup, comprising of Jori Huhtala on bass, Mika Kallio on drums, Mikael Myrskog on keyboards and Johannes Granroth on guitar. The album also features talented artists such as Manuel Dunkel, Max Zinger, Teemu Viinikainen and Mikko Pettinen. Tapio himself joins the band, playing guitar in several tracks.
Mikko Pettinen plays a pivotal role in shaping ’Mortality pt. II’, contributing to the arrangement and composing the trumpet solo. His influence takes the track in a more progressive direction, infusing it with harmonic complexities and ambient soundscapes, making his solo a standout highlight.
This release marks Mortality’s maturation as both a project and a band, showcasing the quality and effort invested by its members in their craft. One can only imagine the heights that ’Mortality pt. II’ will reach—take this single as a testament to their passion and dedication to quality.
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