Underrated martial arts star Bradley plays a former DEA agent who goes to a Caribbean island to rescue his brother, not realising he’s been turned into a cyborg by a evil genius played by Indiana Jones and LOTR star John Rhys-Davies (who for some reason plays the role as a slighty camp man from Yorkshire). It’s a lot of ultra-cheesy and gory early 90s fun with quite a lot of dodgy FX and bizarre goofs, some of which you’ll see in this killcount.
#FAIR USE- “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Cop
1 month ago 01:33:24 84
Киборг-полицейский 2 (Cyborg Cop II) 1994
1 month ago 01:30:12 107
Киборг-полицейский 3 (Cyborg Cop III) 1995
1 month ago 01:32:17 119
Киборг-полицейский (Cyborg Cop) 1993
2 months ago 00:00:30 515
26 октября, Новосибирск, Сибирь Арена.
Лендруш Леко Акопян vs Мухаммед Киборг Калмыков.