END of DOLLAR DOMINANCE! China Dumps $450 Billion US Debt, Yellen Questions Dollar’s Status.

Welcome to AsianQuicktake, the world’s premier channel for timely analysis of global geopolitics. In this video, we explore the recent sell-off of U.S. Treasuries by multiple countries, signaling a counterweight to U.S. hegemony. Notable countries, including China, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, and Saudi Arabia, have reduced their holdings of U.S. Treasuries, reflecting concerns about the U.S. debt crisis. Even the U.K., a key ally of the U.S., sold a significant amount of U.S. Treasuries in April, becoming the largest overseas seller. Israel has also continued to decrease its U.S. debt holdings, highlighting the deepening worries among allies. As the world’s largest debtor, the U.S. faces mounting concerns over its debt crisis. Although the U.S. Congress has extended the debt ceiling, the underlying issue remains unresolved. The U.S. federal budget deficit continues to grow, raising the risk of a debt crisis. Recent data reveals a staggering deficit of $240.3 billion in May al
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