. La Nativité du Seigneur (The Birth of the Saviour). Performed on Accordion (Bayan)
Olivier Messiaen. La Nativité du Seigneur (The Birth of the Saviour). Nine meditations. Performed on Accordion ( Bayan ) by Artem Nyzhnyk - at Musica Sacra Maastricht art festival, the Netherlands. 21 September 2014
I. La vierge et l’enfant (The Virgin and Child)
II. Les bergers (The Shepherds) 5:49
III. Desseins éternels (Eternal Designs) 11:24
IV. Le verbe (The Word) 14:39
V. Les enfants de Dieu (The Children of God) 25:41
VI. Les anges (The Angels) 29:25
VII. Jésus accept