Making barrel rifling using steel tubes

Making barrel rifling using steel tubes Fund my projects: In this video I will show barrel rifling for a , or .22 cal tube using an allen key. the same allen key method can be used for other calibers too, just make sure that the rifling button is bigger in diameter than the barrel inner (bore) diameter. In my case I used a button for a tube, and it worked quite well as you can see in the video. This barrel will be used for gas propelled PCPs. Note: This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Do not emulate or copy anything you see in this video. Allen keys: 12mm OD tube (ID: , , 6mm, 9mm): 16mm OD tube (more options , , etc): LATHE used in the video: MINI Lathe 7x16 800W (Europe and USA link):
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