No spin nail throwing. Develop and improve your dexterity.
Throwing with rounded nails help develop your index finger control and dexterity, which will transfer very well to knives.
The rounded profile of nails eliminates the reliance on flat geometries such as a thick knife spine, which will improve your tactile control and sensation of the projectile.
The light weight of nails also removes any reliance on using the overall mass of the projectile you are throwing to stabilize the flight path.
Overall, you can improve your body mechanics by removing impediments that assist the flight trajectory of the projectile you are throwing besides your own control and input to the projectile.
7 years ago 00:03:19 123
No spin knife throwing
6 years ago 00:04:14 13
NEVER GIVE UP (No-Spin/Half-Spin Throwing)
4 years ago 00:05:17 10
Evaluation NO SPIN - Stage 1
6 years ago 00:00:26 15
practice no spin
7 years ago 00:21:08 19
Spin Tires Карта “No Name“
5 years ago 00:02:53 67
NO SPIN kung fu RU
7 years ago 00:22:21 24
Spin Tires Карта No name
5 years ago 00:03:12 148
NO SPIN kung fu упражнение Звезда
6 years ago 00:06:38 69
3 years ago 00:09:35 10
Evaluation no spin stage 3
8 years ago 00:03:51 15
No Spin
5 years ago 00:09:38 51
Spin e fex No 4 Template
7 years ago 00:00:24 14
6 meter no spin!
7 years ago 00:03:16 9
No Spin increasing my distance.
7 years ago 00:01:37 12
No spin half spin on moving target
7 years ago 00:03:23 70
Owl shadow NO SPIN
6 years ago 00:04:21 9
В гостях у NO SPIN
5 years ago 00:04:29 19
No spin 1/2 spin метание ножа со связанными руками ИВА