Why Would Your Soul CHOOSE a Hard Life? -- Spiritualism Experts Unlock the Soul [Ep. 19]

Nobody enjoys a hard life, so why would your soul put you up against such challenges? When you look at the path of your soul as a larger plan for soul advancement, self-help seems a lot more reasonable and doable. This video features insights from expert spiritual information sources including mediums Jane Roberts, Edgar Cayce, and Paul Selig, and regression hypnotherapy pioneers Dr. Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon. Rob Cimperman sorts through the data and finds the key nuggets of life-changing truth about the soul, so you don’t have to. An management consultant by trade, he is adept at objective analysis and presentation of what you need to know to make your own decisions. This video is part of the larger “Unlocking the Soul“ documentary, available for free on Youtube () and on Tubi TV at ( Produced by Cimplify Films: Video created in Filmora Wondershare.
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