HOME IDEAS! 32 Cheap DIY Crafts to Decorate Your Apartment

Cheap DIY decorations that will look expensive in your home Alright, girls, we all know that after you furnish your home, beautiful decor follows. But home decorations can be pricy. Especially when you want paintings on your walls and other sculptural items that will give your home a cozy look. To help you save some money, I show you a few cheap and easy home decoration ideas that will add color to your home. The materials we’ll be using are also affordable, so you won’t go over your budget, if anything, you’ll even save money. If you are a beach kind of gal, I show you how to make a beautiful 3D tray painting that will resemble the sea. But, if you prefer something more abstract, you can try the fluid art method and then a blow-dryer to give your painting a vivid look. Watch until the end to see how you can repurpose old stuff into useful items. As a bonus, I show you some fantastic gadgets you didn’t know you needed and beautiful room makeovers. Timestamps: 0:29 – Fluid art pa
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