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A music video for ’High Fidelity’, the second single by The Zen Arcade. High concept, low ebb. Starring - The Zen Arcade Directed by - Pete O’ Hanlon Hated by - Pete O’ Hanlon I’ve timestamped the good bits: First good bit: 00:49 - 1:29 Second good bit: 2:04 - 2:34 Last good bit: 3:41 - 3:58 LYRICS (typed without looking) --------------------------------------- We respect the nuamndne dowry of roomer and ash impact on flicking But we see through soderbgerh and his over eloriance on color saturton I keep a hostriy of films in my bottom framer Im a phlisltine who’s trifled of you cutting... room flew My hart will alywas point in 5.1 srroun song And I wnat your etended dition in ptucture perfect defianton you give im the stength to sat though nother fetch your length Ill ENJOY you edeneedles in high fidelity. You direct tate to me how a mivie lives or doses by its ending I conker and procreate I’d rather not that Adam mint that Im pretneding I nearly escape your cinemticma intergrations I think I amy ah
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