Bulganin And Khrushchev Visit County Hall Westminster (1956)

London. Crowd of guests and dignitaries at County Hall, Westminster, waiting for the arrival of Russian guests. Several shots of the people applauding. Prime Minister of USSR Nikolai Bulganin and Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Nikita Khrushchev at dais with Lady Chairman of London County Council Mrs Helen Bentwich and several other people. Bulganin addresses the gathering, people listening and applauding. Various shots of the Russian guests shaking hands and chatting with London officials. Several close up shots of the scroll presented to the guests by the London County Council. More shots of the gathering, Khruschev and Bulganin applauding, Lady Chairman addressing the gathering, people applauding etc. She presents Bulganin with scroll. He accepts it with short address, crowd applauding. More shots of the hall. Several good close up shots of Bulganin and Khruschhev being introduced and talking to the people. Khrushchev and Mrs Bentwich toast each other. (Uncut Rota Neg.) Date found in the o
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