2011 If We Are Here drums - EDI - version of Too True
based on a poem by
D. A. Lori
Why and How
What are all these faces,
I’ve read them before?
Where are all these places?
Don’t show them any more
How blind can we be,
how little can we see?
I raise my eyes to “Forever“
My hand stops at “Wherever“
Your silent breath trapped
Your words selfishly kept
In the eternal “Why“ and “Why not“
What’s pain to you
Can’t you feel something new?
Just words beyond words
And a feeling here and there
And all those words again
Catching thoughts in vain
All the lines I’m losing now
Just to ask why and how
Too True
What are all these faces
I’ve read them before
What are all these places
Don’t show them no more
All these empTV’s
How blind can we be
Little do we see
Taking it no more
I raise my eye to forever
My hand stops
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