Myra Bro & Dj Ramezz " Someone Out There " 2022

Всем привет, представляю Вам новую работу с прекрасной и талантливой вокалисткой , поэтессой из Голландии Myra Bro.Это Cover версия на хит крутой команды 90х (Basic Element). Хочу сказать спасибо нашему бессменному видеографу Юрию Долженко за отличный видео ролик, а всем желаю приятного просмотра и хорошего настроения! Hello everyone, I present to you a new work with a beautiful and talented vocalist, a poet from the Netherlands, Myra is a Cover version on the hit of the cool team of the 90s (Basic Element). I want to say thank you to our permanent videographer Yuri Dolzhenko for an excellent video clip, and I wish everyone a pleasant viewing and a good mood! Dj Ramezz present my author’s channel in , where I publish my cover versions and remixes together with vocalists and musicians such as Timi Kullai, Mayra Bro, Andrey Bo, Amina, Inna, Xenophobia, Aleona, well as remixes and cover versions of Eurodance tracks of the 90s, such as Ice, mc,Captain Hollywood Proj
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