Ghost Bastards ’Haunted’ Frantic Flintstones Cover OFFICIAL AUDIO

Frantic Flintstones Cover we made for the album ’Psycho To the Bone’: Latin american bands tribute to Old School Psychobilly.... To be released really soon! Hope you enjoy it! Cover de Frantic Flintstones que hicimos para el disco ’Psycho To the Bone’: tributo de bandas latinoamericanas a las bandas vieja escuela Psychobilly.... Proximo a salir... Espero te guste! Music: Ghost Bastards (song by Frantic Flintstones) Drum recording: en: Haciendo Discos @haciendodiscos_estudio Contrabajo y voces grabadas en: Unplugged Rock House @estudiosunplugged Mix & Mastering: Gaston Marra @ Artwork: Marshall Von Monster @marshallvonmonster Gracias por pasar a verlo! Suscribite, no te sale nada y nos ayuda un montón! Thanks for watching Don’t forget to subscribe, It costs you nothing and help us a lot! . #psychobilly #psychobillyargentina #psychobillylatino #ghostbastards #rockabilly #punk #punkrock #rocknroll #h
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