Cinematics interpolated (from 30 to 60 FPS) with RIFE, so they’re far from perfect. Its benefits depends heavily on the content I give it, the bigger the gaps between frames, the worse the artifacts gets. idk, matter of taste 👀
These were recorded back in 2018 and I even edited a lil bit. Then I just stopped and now we are here, soon to be (or about right now) 2021, seeing this beloved game still being referenced on various sites. This gave me the last push that I needed to be able to finish what I started, hours of wasted sleep like with many other projects I’m dabbling with.
(Description from 2018...)
This is just one of many Y0 videos that I have uploaded and I might upload even more eventually, or not :P
I’m not really uploading these videos for any particular reasons, even though there’s lots of similar videos out there already. This is just something I like to tinker with in my spare time :)