This is Syphon Filter 1 PS1 Longplay. In this video I complete all missions. Syphon Filter is a third-person shooter developed by Eidetic and published by 989 Studios for the PlayStation. It is the first game in the Syphon Filter series. The Game was released in 1999.
0:00 - Start
0:32 - Intro
2:27 - Georgia Street
14:40 - Destroyed Subway
20:18 - Main Subway Line
21:10 - Washington Park
37:38 - Freedom Memorial
38:51 - Expo Center Reception
53:41 - Expo Center Dinorama
58:48 - Rhoemer’s Base
1:10:32 - Base Bunker
1:19:15 - Base Tower
1:22:37 - Base Escape
1:25:56 - Rhoemer’s Stronghold
1:44:21 - Stronghold Lower Level
2:04:32 - Stronghold Catacombs
2:20:41 - Pharcom Warehouses
2:34:14 - Pharcom Elite Guards
2:45:27 - Warehouse
2:55:47 - Access Tunnels
3:05:07 - Tunnel Blackout
3:12:20 - Missile Silo
3:18:03 - Ending
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