Interactive presentation template "Balloons" / Интерактивный шаблон презентации "Воздушные шарики"

Interactive template for your presentation! You can make any of your PowerPoint (or PDF) presentation even brighter in just a few minutes! Five simple steps to use it: 1. Download and install (for free) the Impression FX Lite PowerPoint plugin from our website: 2. Download the Impression FX template. Link to the template page: 3. Launch PowerPoint and open any of your presentations. 4. On the plug-in panel (the “Impression FX“ tab appears on the right in the top PowerPoint menu after installation), click the “Load Project“ button and select the project file ““ in the unzipped folder. 5. Click the “Create Presentation“ button (it will take 2-3 minutes to create). You can change all the images used in this template to your own. You can ask any questions about working with the template and the Impression FX program in our grou
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