2020 Election Fraud: Is it finally going to be addressed

2020 Election Fraud: Is it finally going to be addressed? Election fraud isn’t new. Since the first days of elections, fraudsters have been finding ways to deprive voters of their unalienable rights in a free society. Anytime a single act of fraud occurs or votes are cast improperly by citizens who vote in contempt of the ideal of choosing the best policy for everyone, in trust, and in honor of the true rule of law, the supreme goal of a republican government is destroyed. This begs the question: have we ever really had it? Solving the election fraud problem requires more than just electing the right leader.  ___ New Bombshells Are Coming Out About Georgia Election Fraud FLASHBACK: Nearly 400,000 ballot images are missing from the 2020 Presidential Election in Georgia Joe Biden won Georgia by only 11,779 votes Georgia could not duplicate Election Day results with their recount Source: Justin Deschamps
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