This isn’t a love letter // Otis & Maeve

Firstly, thank you all for all kind reactions on previous video. I’m a bit overwhelmed with how many people messaged me to make a new one with season 4. So here you go... I hope I won’t let you all down. Unlike many I’m not really disappointed in the ending. It all felt very -normal people- to me and I just believe that they’ll find each other again. I mean, ... they’re each other’s persons. What I didn’t like it the amount of screentime and dramatic moments. I felt like we really needed more small moments between the two of them and they sometimes even felt a bit OOC. I REALLY thought at the hospital with Maeve’s mom we’d have gotten and “you waited“ that would have been so perfect. And a “I love you, of course I do.“ would have been the cherry on top. I felt like the whole core group was really seperated this season and that’s something I didn’t really like. And it would have been absolutely great to see Otis not ending
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