The Roosevelt Story Reels 7 & 8 Spliced (1940-1949)

Reels 7 & 8 (spliced) Roosevelt re-nominated for a third term. Wendell Wilkie makes a speech. General Election footage: queues to vote, curtains being drawn behind people entering voting booths, a vote being placed in ballot box. Soldiers running with bayonets in their hands. Army - men carry kit bags. Montage about World War Two. Russian army in Stalingrad. Warship - meeting between Churchill and Roosevelt to discuss the Atlantic Charter. They sit and chat together on the deck of the ship. Sign reading “Secretary of State“ - Japanese come to America to talk peace - critical voice over. Pearl Harbour. Aircraft take off from a hanger. Japanese aircraft (?) Bombs dropped on American vessels. Aerial shots of bombs being dropped. Explosions. Roosevelt makes a speech about the attack on Pearl Harbour. Asks the Congress to declare a state of war between the U.S. and the Japanese Empire. Churchill and Roosevelt meet again to set up the Declaration of the United Nations. Plans to inva
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