TOOL - Eulogy (Guitar Cover with Play Along Tabs)

Guitar cover of “Eulogy“ by TOOL with on-screen tabs - learned by ear, multiple live performances and other covers. Hope you enjoy the video! Please post your suggestions! :) Eulogy has been requested so many times in the comments, so here we go! Such a masterpiece of a song and an essential piece in Ænima. This one always hits home. One of the tracks that will always make me come back to this album again and again. I know that according to some sources, the lyrics are not really directed towards Jesus, but more towards the founder of a well known sect. But Eulogy (and Ænima in general) have certainly shaped my opinion on religion and beliefs in general. - USEFUL INFORMATION - Tuning: D A D G B E (Drop D) 47: The pull-through could also happen on the second fret. Can’t tell from the live footage we have. - SOCIAL MEDIA - Website - Subscribe - Patreon - https:
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