Jesus Christ’s Hotboi RX7 ✝️ // Unreal Engine 4 (RTX)

The age old question: WWJD - What Would Jesus Drive? Based on my extensive research, I believe that Jesus would own a sick Hot Boi style FC RX7. Slammed on Big Chrome Johnnies, with a BN sports body kit and massive wing. White/Chrome/Blue color scheme since he’s as pure as they come. Oh yeah, and he wouldn’t LS swap it. He’d rock that 13B reliably (but with God’s help of course!) 3D render I made for Easter this year, used Maya and Unreal Engine. Had a ton of fun with this one and probably put way too much work into it haha. The amount of time spent trying to figure out what car to choose was tough. Although in the Bible it does say “For I did not speak of my own Accord“ -John 12:49, I came to the conclusion that the Honda Accord must just be his winter daily. Everyone knows that Jesus would drive something sweet, and he probably didn’t talk about it much because he’s a humble guy. Anyways, Happy Easter! Contact: Conorlawlis@
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