Three Dramatic Black and White Processing Techniques
Jim Welninski’s Black and White Artistry Course:
Artistic Black and White Processing
I have been producing Black and White images for as long as I can remember. Actually, like many photographers, I started out shooting only for Black and White. With nearly 20 years of Black and White processing, you’d think I couldn’t learn much more right?
There is always an opportunity to learn new things if you open your mind to them. My great friend (and fellow educator) Jim Welninski has taught me so much about architecture and black and white photography. I remember the first time I saw him instruct, I was jealous, the epitome of jealous. “Why didn’t I think of that?“ I thought to myself.
But then it occurred to me; there is no room for that jealousy. If you focus on that, you will never focus on all that you can learn from a real artist like Jim. I embraced the education I received from him, and from it, I have been a much better Black and White artist since.
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