What Does it Mean to Exercise Our Free Will?

“What is the purpose of life? The purpose of life is to rise above our inborn animal level of existence to the human level of existence, where we realize our positive connection to each other and to nature, where we can properly discern between good and evil, and exercise our free choice to choose good. In such a context, “good” means closeness among each other and with nature’s force of love and bestowal, while “evil” means anything that distances us from achieving that closeness. When we exercise our free choice to rise above our animal level of existence in such a way and enter into our next stage of development, then we will experience our world as perfect: that it is full of people who understand that they live in an interconnected and interdependent system, i.e., that everyone is connected to everyone, and as such, we all understand and feel everything happening to us, and what the upper force of nature does to humanity. We then each become willing to be humanity’s representati
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