In-depth #videoessay about Stanley #Kubrick and why he is the greatest #filmmaker of all time. website for more credit where credit is due: Special thanks to Katharina Kubrick, @CinemaTyler @videogamedunkey @kaptainkristian @Nerdwriter1 @everyframeapainting @Sardonicast @YMS @DAVIDLYNCHTHEATER @Filmanalyse @TheBeautyOf 00:00 Beginning 02:08 The . 04:54 Film is dead 12:23 Film Experts 15:23 3 Periods 16:13 Duality 16:49 Spoilers SHORT FILMS 17:30 Day of the fight 18:46 Flying Padre 19:31 The Seafarers FEATURE FILMS 21:04 Fear and Desire 22:05 Killer’s Kiss 22:49 The Killing 23:15 Paths ...of Glory 24:28 Spartacus INDEPENDENT FILMS 26:56 Lolita 28:03 Dr. Strangelove 30:24 2001: A Space Odyssey 40:22 A Clockwork Orange 44:18 Barry Lyndon 46:32 The Shining 49:35 Full Metal Jacket 52:26 Eyes Wide Shut 54:54 The Katharina Kubrick Interview 1:48
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