Transformers : The Movie - 14 - The Transformers(Theme)(Alternate Version) *

This is the soundtrack of Transformers:The Movie in soundtrack of this film was composed and produced by Vince DiCola. This song is performed by Stan Bush and Vince DiCola. *Bonus Tracks The producers of Transformers The Movie first approached me in the early were familiar with some of my prvious film scores and felt my composing style would be effective for their new Transformers animated until that point,I had very little knowledge of Transformers,other than being vaguely aware of the toy line.I was honored by their enthusiasm for my music and accepted their offer to score the movie. F...rom the beginning,I found this to be a very challenging first surprise was realizing that about 75 minutes worth of music would be amount of music is not particularly uncommon for a full lenght animated film,but was certainly more than I had ever been asked to produce for one surprise nearly threw me into a panic mode.I was told that I w
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