Chino Moya’s debut feature UNDERGODS places viewers in a foreign futuristic world, though sadly one that feels more familiar every day. The film’s narrators maneuver through a deserted, crumbling, grayish-blue city, gathering bodies as they go and sharing nightmarish stories of a long-ago abandoned past. What follows is a series of narratives, overlapping and weaving through time and space with remarkable grace and ease. The threads come together elegantly as stories layer upon each other and crescendo towards a powerful, satisfying conclusion.
Le premier long métrage de Chino Moya, UNDERGODS, place les spectateurs dans un monde futuriste lointain, bien qu’il semble malheureusement plus familier à chaque jour qui passe. Les narrateurs du film manœuvrent dans une ville déserte, en ruine, bleu grisâtre, rassemblant des corps au fur et à mesure et partageant des histoires cauchemardesques d’un passé abandonné, il y a longtemps. Ce qui suit est une série
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