Find the angle X and justify | Learn how to Solve this Tricky Geometry problem Quickly

Learn how to find the angle X in the given diagram. Solve this tricky geometry problem by using Exterior angle Theorem and alternate interior angles Theorem. Today I will teach you basic tips and hacks to solve this tricky geometry problem in a simple and easy way. Step-by-step tutorial by Need help with finding the angle X in this complex Geometry question ? You’re in the right place! I have over 20 years of experience teaching Mathematics at American schools, colleges, and universities. Learn more about me at Find the angle X and justify | Learn how to Solve this Tricky Geometry problem Quickly #FindAngleX #Geometry #GeometryMath #OlympiadMathematics #CollegeEntranceExam #OlympiadPreparation #PreMath # #MathOlympics #HowToThinkOutsideTheBox #ThinkOutsideTheBox #HowToThinkOutsideTheBox? #PythagoreanTheorem #Pythagorean #ParallelLines #HowtoCalculat
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